The dawning of 1860 brings rising tensions between the North and South that threaten to escalate into full-scale war. Handsome political aide Cal Burton approaches Corrie to convince her that Lincoln–even the nation itself–depends upon the influence she can wield through her writing and speaking.
Corrie is resolute in her belief that slavery is wrong, and that she should do what she can to help Lincoln get elected, but mounting conflict within the Hollister family makes her realize that taking a stand sometimes goes deeper than drawing a political line.
What Sea to Shining Sea’s Readers Say….
I have been in love with this series for years. I love going back every once in awhile and reading the books again. I am always hooked and don’t stop until I’ve read the first to last book.
This author tells a truly heartwarming story of a young person’s journey into adulthood and covers the history of the time in the process. I highly recommend these Christian books to young people of all ages.
Wonderfully intertwined plot with lessons for even the reader to ponder! I always find myself learning something new to think about when I read one of the eight books in this series! Very good!
Read the first chapter of My Father’s World, the beginning of the Journals of Corrie Belle Hollister series.